I am an ever-moving explorer, motorcycle traveler, sailor, backpacker, rum enthusiast, taco lover, and hobby cook.
I am a behavioral scientist, business designer, strategist, consultant, and user experience fanatic.
I am human and understand that users are too. Hence human behavior is at the core of everything I do.
I value observing and absorbing knowledge from people around me. I enjoy listening, reading and analysing my surroundings.
Hence I always strive to make new experiences myself but especially to share them or enable others to make new, great experiences – professionally and in my private life.
I truely believe in happiness, as balance between purpose and pleasure, to make life worthwile. Facilitating peoples quest for happiness, or simply putting a smile on their face makes my life worthwhile.
Want to create something amazing together?
Would you like to engage in mutual learning, exchanging knowledge?
Or maybe just have a coffee?
Don't hesitate to reach out.